Agilo Foundation, a nonprofit NGO Registered under Society Act 1860 with Govt. of NCT, Delhi. The society is also entitled to exemption from govt. taxes under 12A & 80G of Income Tax Act 1961. Agilo is also registered under NGO Darpan, NITI Aayog.
English is a global language. It is becoming an important tool to earn livelihood. Teaching English language in combination with soft skills would help in passing many hurdles.
English is most spoken language in world and as it's popular and more people understand it, it becomes useful in all communication process. As most of the businesses are international so we need a common language to communicate in there, English provides a medium for it. Moreover the different inventions and innovations are carried throughout world involves English and Soft Skills.
Soft Skills refers to the ability to interactive effectively with others. Soft Skills are personal attributes that can affect communication and interaction with others. Soft Skills can influence your ability to give a great presentation and communicate your ideas more effectively.